The European Space Agency (ESA) will host a joint DLR/ESA user consultation for infrastructures planning and monitoring conference, involving representatives from the academic, institutional and private sector on 26 and 27 Feb 2019 at ESA-ESRIN, Frascati, Italy.
The consultation aims to define a roadmap for research and application projects utilizing space-based EO data for monitoring infrastructures (roads, bridges, railways, harbours, airports, power and industrial plants, pipelines, electricity networks, governmental buildings, hospitals, etc…) within ESA's EO Science for Society Programme Element (

Based on a preliminary estimation of users, some 100-150 participants might be expected to be interested in participating to the event.The event (in English) will be organised in thematic sessions with invited keynote presentations (focusing on state of the art of the theme, examples over Europe and identified needs/suggested actions in the domain) followed by round tables discussion aiming to collect inputs and suggestions for EO research and application development activities to be carried out in the next 2/3 years.Depending on the received abstracts the Organising Committee, supported by the Steering Committee, will define a tentative agenda as follows
- Solicited keynote presentations outlining ongoing activities and related policies, users and research requirements;
- Round tables discussion to collect recommendations for possible EO research and application developpement activities.
- Poster sessions;
Participation to the event is free, however any potential participant should clear their visa request themselves (eg no invitation letter will be issued by the Agency).
07-02-2019: Abstract submission extended until 17/02/2019 CET
18-02-2019 : The Final Agenda is accessible HERE
19-02-2019 : The Conference Power Point Template can be accessible HERE
22-01-2018 : Abstract submission Interface opened submit your paper HERE